Word of the Week: Attitude

Our word of the week is attitude.


Your attitude to something is the way that you think and feel about it, especially when it shows in the way you behave.


I sometimes have a bad attitude when I can’t do something right. – Isabella

I have a good attitude because I challenge myself. – Biraj

Marshall and I have a bad attitude sometimes when we fight but sometimes we have a good attitude.😊 – Amarni


approach, belief, disposition, frame of mind, mood, mindset, perspective, reaction, view, manner


Word of the Week: Thrill

Our word of the week is thrill.


Something that gives you a sudden feeling of great excitement, pleasure or fear.


I was thrilled when Annabell levelled up so quickly on Monster legends.😮- Alana

I was not thrilled when I found out that the word of the week is thrill. – John

When I went to the mushroom pool and played on the big waterslide it was exciting and thrilling. – Isabella


adventure, blast, fun, inspiration, pleasure, tingle, sensation, lift, electrify


calm, depression, dishearten, bring down, bore


Word of the Week: Scrumptious

Our word of the week is scrumptious.


Food that tastes extremely good.


I had a scrumptious breakfast. – Prava

I think that chocolate is scrumptious. 🍟🍗🍖🍕🍱🍪🍩 – Lucas

My lunch was so scrumptious. – Isabella


delicious, tasty, yummy, luscious, heavenly, mouth watering


disgusting, rancid, yucky, unappetising


Word of Week: Arrange

Our word of the week is arrange.


If you arrange something you plan for it to happen or place it in a certain way. 


Everyday Maisy and I always arrange to meet at the oval. – Miranda

I arrange my petshops in groups of cats and dogs. – Isabella

I arrange my books in alphabetical order.👌🏻- Alana

I arranged my toys in my room. – Xayla


align, array, classify, fix up, group, organise, tidy, adapt, decide, devise, manage, prepare


confuse, disorder, disorganise, disturb, mix up, scatter, not plan


Word of the Week: Linger

Our word of the week is linger.


To stay or continue for longer than usual.


I was lingering when I went to the movies because I was looking at the games. – Amarni

At Harry’s birthday party I lingered because I was going to his house. – Ekam

My brother and his friend were lingering in the kitchen to find some food. – Bella


dawdle, dilly dally, trudge, mosey, amble, procrastinate, drift, lag, plod, shuffle, stroll


go, hurry, leave, rush


Word of the Week

Grade 1/2 Code of Conduct: Our learning is precious!

Our recent addition to our Grade 1/2 Code of Conduct: How to be awesome, is that we believe our work is precious. We look after our work books and paper that we write on so that others can read it. Our handwriting, diagrams and pictures need to be neat and our personal best so that we can share our thinking and be proud of what we have accomplished. The Snuffy’s have created a video to explain this rule in our Grade 1/2 Code.

Grade 1/2 Code of Conduct: Mistakes are Great!

We think mistakes are a great thing! They show us things that we don’t understand yet or maybe are a bit confused about. Mistakes can help us learn! When we make a mistake in our learning we can try and fix it. Then when we have worked out the right way to correct the mistake we will have learnt something new. We believe that getting things wrong is ok and we don’t have to be perfect learners. Mistakes are how we learn and they show us a lot about our thinking. We think that removing or scribbling out mistakes in our work is taking away some of our fantastic learning. Here are some pictures of Miranda being proud of her mistakes!

Mistakes are great!

Word of the Week: Ravenous

Our word of the week is ravenous.


If you are ravenous you are really hungry.


I am ravenous for everything .🍪🍰🍫🍬🍦 – Ellie

This morning I woke up ravenous so my mum made me toast.🍞🍌- Xayla

I am always ravenous for pizza. – John


devouring, famished, gluttonous, starving, hungry


full, satisfied


Word of the Week: Persist

Our word of the week is persist.


Persist means to continue to do something even when it is difficult.


I persisted when my bird house kept falling apart. – Stephanie

I persist when my work is tricky. – Amarni

I persist in daily pe even when I’m tired. – Alana


continue, grind, endure, survive, keep up, persevere, stick it out


cease, stop, give up, quit, leave
